China's new carrier. Although its not without its fair share of problems.
Relax: China’s First Aircraft Carrier is a Piece of Junk, By David Axe
"Shi Lang will sail into a Pacific Ocean teeming with carriers. First, there are the American carriers: five nuclear-powered supercarriers home-ported in California, Washington and Japan, plus six assault ships in California and Japan. Between them, the American carriers displace no less than 700,000 tons and can carry 600 aircraft." -David Axe
“Our Navy can carry twice as many aircraft at sea as all the rest of the world combined” - Robert Gates, former US Defense Secretary
Short tons
US Navy
1,197,284(11) Super Carriers
402,280 (9) Assault Ships
393,032 (54) Nuclear Powered Attack Submarines
337,500 (18) Nuclear Powered ICBM Submarines
241,472 (22) Guided Missile Cruisers
581,720 (60) Destroyers
137,760 (19) Frigates
3,241,536 204
PLA Navy
70,000 (1) Carrier
61,600 (8) Nuclear Powered Submarines
156,778 (58) Diesel-Electric Submarines
229,262 (26) Destroyers
108,612 (51) Frigates
626,252 144
The U.S Navy maintains dominance over the World's ocean with a fleet displacement as large as the next 13 nation's under it combined. I did not even include the support and resupply ships in the calculation of tonnage. If I did, it would be even larger. The US Navy operates a total of 286 ships.

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