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Friday, July 3, 2015

Blog Update: F-35 Loss to F-16

News of the F-35's "loss" against an F-16 in basic fighter maneuvering testing has been widely discussed in defense/aerospace forums over the past week. I will post my own analysis of the implications and takeaways of the test next week. 


  1. Hi Matt

    The F35 is not an air to air fighter, it's designed to be a first strike stealth fighter or a multi F35 group attack.

    I don't know why people are getting so over excited about the F16 out maneuvering a F35.

    I would have thought a more serious question would be what if a SU35 in combination of AWACs/or what ever the Russia/China equivalent are can detect a f35 or group of F35.

    I have stayed out of the F16 / F35 discussion. Be interesting to see what your write.

    all the best Stone30 :-)

    1. Hi Stone,

      Good to hear from you! Yes, with the F-35 there will always be people with confirmation bias that will rage when you tell them otherwise. I've seen a lot of F-35 proponents throw up their hands and give up trying to convince critics and troll instead. This latest development with the F-16 really seems like clickbait from the "War is Boring" website. Its really a shame because David Axe used to write some really good articles back when he still wrote for Wired a few years ago.



    2. I usually like reading articles from War is Boring, but the constant stream of F-35 bashing from Axe is getting really tiring. Does the program have problems? Absolutely. I think everyone can agree the program was pretty badly mismanaged, especially in the beginning. But I don't need 7 articles to tell me about it.

      Also, this story seems very similar to the stories about the F-22 getting "eaten for lunch" stories a few years back. We don't know the parameters of the exercise or what restrictions were placed on either aircraft.

      Also, I'd like to point out that Axe's beloved A-10 probably would have lost a dogfight to an F-16 as well. He could counter by saying that it's not designed for the air-to-air mission, but the F-35 isn't primarily air-to-air either!

  2. I need this article now. I keep checking back, but no update yet! What a tease!

    1. Haha, my apologizes. I will probably post it on this Thursday or Friday at the latest. Work has been really busy lately but I will try not to disappoint! Really interesting to hear what the Russian's think of it. This is the first time I've heard anything positive about the F-35 from a Russian source, I occasionally read RT articles for fun and they often go out of their way to criticize the F-35.




    Fascinating Russian perspective on the F-35.


    Why do you think David or other critics are disappointed??

    1. I remember when this article came out. The amount of rage from F-35 critics was amazing especially from European defense/aerospace enthusiasts :D
